Saturday, January 31, 2009

Great Info on 19th Century Quilts

For your reading pleasure an overview of quilts of the quilts of the 1800's
Click here!

Friday, January 30, 2009

January Meeting at Cathie's

Cathie took the excuse to leave up her Christmas decorations extra long so that we could enjoy them at our Jan. get together at her home. Unfortunately a terrible snowstorm had us postponing our first meeting of Jan but a week late isn't so bad.
Lunch was crust less quiche since Cathie is back on the low carb train once again along with homemade (by her neighbor) Toffee and a Mrs. Prindables caramel and triple chocolate chip apples.
Cathie's Jan Block choices Due Feb. 3

55: A Beautiful Picture
83: Rebel Spy Hung
139: Mrs. Massie's Party
204: Second Term
208: Another Battle
262: Always Hopeful and Cheerful

She also shared information about Carte de Visite as mentioned in A Beautiful Picture's letter From AE Cheney
( Yes there is a mistake on the block upper left but it has been corrected after the picture was taken)

December's Blocks and lunch

We had a lovely time at Carrolee's home showing off our Nov. blocks and seeing what Carrolee's choice of blocks for December will look like. She also served soup and our choice of pie...and what choices we had from her family's pie baking marathon!

December Blocks due in Jan Pages

24: Severe Fighting
110: Forgotten the Word Defeat
114: The Monitor
126: Virginia Military Institute
130: Greatest Jollification
194: Americus Soldiers Relief Society

Cathie's Jan Blocks (yes I know that my 130 is too small...see my blog CD)

The rest of the blocks are lost on my computer somewhere so I will post the others after the Feb meeting with Christina.
Update: Blocks found!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Auld Lang Syne...

Carrolee's Blocks
Peggy's blocks
Christina's Blocks (minus 2 which she has since completed)

Gosh I can't believe I have gotten so behind on posting our group's work!
I thought I had done December and didn't so I am behind for two months. Sorry and hope to do better this time!

These are November's Blocks we showed in December's get together.