Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 2010 Blocks

Carrolee wasn't able to do our first week of the month get together so April 20 was the substitute day. It was a lovely sunny day so we had lunch in the Howell Secret Garden where the spring bulbs and fruit trees were in bloom. Because so many of the group are on "special" diets she served us a nice bug salad with grilled chicken on top. Very nice.
Catching up with the blocks for April she showed the blocks and gave us hints on a few of the blocks.
p 241-A Better Correspondent pp as printed
247-Long Promised Photograph pp as printed
249-Sweet and Gentle Disposition we have an extra piece which is the reversed flag for PP
251-Numerous Excuses You can use the alternate drafted pattern which eliminates several seams
255-Another Prison we have the option of using the printed "triangles on a roll" or pp as shown
257-Brighter Future pp the center and then you can cut squares and rectangles to finish if you desire or just pp the whole thing

Carrolee's blocks are above.
Peggy and Cathie showed March's blocks hosted by Marianne
Don't they look great? Carrolee is still catching up and Christina had a work obligation and Marianne's Father is very ill and she couldn't stay today.
Peggy's blocks

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Friday, March 26, 2010

A Trip to England for a Quilt Show

I was given a link to a wonderful show that is currently running at the Victoria and Albert Museum of quilts. What an exciting thing it must be to visit this quilt show!
This is a link to the fabric they are selling in the shop.
Anyone know someone who would buy me some? LOL

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 2010 Get Together

Since it's now March surely that means that spring is on it's way!
We enjoyed lunch at Mariann's home and a showing of the blocks from Feb. Mariann gave us a preview of the March 6 that will be due April 6 when we get together at Carrolee's home.
I will add a picture of March blocks when I get one as you know I forgot to take any last week! LOL

Cathie's Feb Blocks below
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blocks Update

Carrolee emailed me these pictures but I am not sure which month or who did them.
I will label them by number and if you want to email me which are yours or if you know who's they are and which month! LOL
3. Peggy's Blocks for Feb 2010

4. Christina's?

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Quilt Memories

I loved this blog post about a lovely woman's memories of quilts and life.
Enjoy Imogene's Memories