Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October's meeting at Peggy's

WE had a wonderful October meeting at Peggy's and missed Christina but I am sure she is have a good time in Florida!
Peggy served us a lovely light lunch of homegrown salad, finger sandwiches and some cantaloupe shared with us from Arlene of the New Friend's Day group! YUM!
First of all we did our next group of 6 blocks instructions with Peggy. You can tell Peggy loves stars with her block choices!
She also gave us a transfer for our first Abe Lincoln block and a cd with more images for us to choose from if we wish. Cathie mentioned wanting to find an image of Jefferson Davis who was president of the Confederacy if possible to add to her quilt and she is planning on sharing that when she does.
We next did a show and tell of our completed blocks and it is so fun to see how fabric choices sometimes makes our blocks so different from each other once again.

Carrolee's Blocks

Marianne's Blocks

Peggy's Blocks

Cathie and Christina's are in the previous post.
Thanks for a great monthly meeting Peggy.

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